Hanukkah of Data 5784 - Day 7 The Meet Cute
The Task
We’re given the following clues about the ex-boyfriend:
- Bought a similar item at the same time
- Both items (Bargain Hunter’s & ex-boyfriend’s) had a color
- The color of the items was different
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import pandas as pd import re from datetime import datetime, timedelta def solve(): customers = pd.read_csv('noahs-customers.csv') orders = pd.read_csv('noahs-orders.csv', parse_dates=['ordered']) order_items = pd.read_csv('noahs-orders_items.csv') products = pd.read_csv('noahs-products.csv') data = customers.merge(orders).merge(order_items).merge(products) is_bargain_hunter = data['phone'] == '585-838-9161' has_color = data['sku'].str.startswith('COL') is_in_stock = data['ordered'] == data['shipped'] bargain_orders = data[has_color & is_bargain_hunter & is_in_stock][['desc','ordered']] # Loop over the Bargain Hunter's orders for _, row in bargain_orders.iterrows(): desc = row['desc'] ordered = row['ordered'] # Strip off the color portion of the product descriptions, so we can compare w/o color desc_prefix = re.sub(r' \([a-z]+\)', '', desc) # Restrict to w/in 10 minutes of Bargain Hunter's purchase delta = timedelta(minutes=10) similar_time = (data['ordered'] >= (ordered - delta)) & (data['ordered'] <= (ordered + delta)) # Restrict to order items for similar products e.g. "Noah's Poster" similar_item = data['desc'].str.startswith(desc_prefix) items = data[similar_time & similar_item][['customerid','desc']].values.tolist() # Restrict to different colored products custids = [ custid for custid, other_desc in items if other_desc != desc ] # If we have only one, then we've found our person if len(custids) == 1: return customers[customers['customerid'] == custids[0]].iloc[0]['phone'] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- assert solve() == '838-335-7157' |