Posts tagged linux

Ubuntu Linux 8.04 – Wake on LAN

:: linux, network, ruby, sysadmin, utility

Now that I’ve switched to a Macbook Pro with OSX Leopard as my primary desktop, I’ve located my Ubuntu machine in another part of the house to be accessible to my children. Not wanting to walk to the room where it’s located just to flip the power switch, I researched how to get “wake on LAN” working, so I could power it up remotely.

Nice Fonts for GNU Emacs on Ubuntu Linux

:: emacs, linux, lisp

UPDATE 12/24/08: This article is now out of date. I just installed Ubuntu 8.10, and getting Emacs with nice fonts is now much easier:

  1. Install the emacs-snapshot-gtk package
  2. Edit ~/.Xresources to have Emacs.font: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono–10
  3. xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources